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HR Systems

Workforce Management
HR system allows you to manage employees, including all aspects relating to employment. With this system you can manage the medical examinations of employees, health and safety courses, rewards, punishments, employment history, divided into groups, assigning features photographs of employees and many other issues.


Planning and control of employees
If you want employees to spend time in your company effectively and efficiently, it is early to plan their work suited to their skills and abilities. Professional HR system has functionality for time management of employees and settling them with tasks. In connection with the implementation of development paths of employees at different positions, HR system will increase the efficiency of human resources in your company.


Salary system in your company
Professional HR system allows you to have a unique and flexible salary system, which gives a very high potential in the management and calculation of salaries for employees. In addition, the HR system enables the modeling of remunerating employees according to their skills and results. These solutions can also be used as a strategic tool for keeping important for your business competencies.


Consult the human resources documents  from any location
Modern HR system is a solution with which you can use from anywhere with Internet access. Access through a web browser will perform even during the delegation many activities related to the personnel of your company (including the acceptance of holidays, job monitoring of employees, assigning new tasks or organizing safety training).